Questions of Scale

Something small I put together during a quiet covid-19 day. The aim of this quiz is not to elucidate exact answers but orders of magnitude.

How long does it take light to travel from the sun to earth?

How old is the universe?

How old is planet earth?

How old are Homo Sapiens as a species?

What is the population of the UK?

What is the population of the earth in the year 2020?

What was the population of the earth in the year 1800?

What is the radius of Greater London in KM?

What is the radius of the earth in KM?

How many light years would it take a space ship travelling at the speed of light (an impossibility due to Special Relativity) to cross the Milky Way (our home galaxy)?

How many genes in the human genome?

What percentage of genes are identical between humans and chimps?

What percentage of genes are identical between a humans and a banana?

How many bytes are required to store a human genome on computer storage ?

What is the GDP of UK?

What is the GDP of the USA?

What percentage of global GDP does the USA account for?

How many KJ does an adult male burn each day in rest state?

1 KG of body fat contains the equivalent of  how many KJ?

How many KJ does a pint of beer contain?

How often does the human body replace every cell?

What percentage of the UK carries the HIV virus?

How many new HIV diagnosis are there in the UK each year (2019)?

What is the mean male life expectancy in the UK?

What is the mean male life expectancy in the most deprived part of the UK?

What is the mean male life expectancy in the most affluent part of the UK?

How many Homo sapiens have been born since the beginning of the species?

How many light years to the edge of the observable universe?

One million seconds is how many days?

One billion seconds is how many years?

How many KG of CO2 does a human emit in their life?

How many KG of CO2 does a cow emit in their life?

How many KG of CO2 does a tree consume in its life?

For a 747 aeroplane flying London to New York and back, how many KG of CO2 does the plane produce per passenger?

Number of neurons in the human brain?

Ratio of the number of neurons in a human brain to a Gorilla brain?

In humans what percentage of daily energy expenditure goes towards powering the brain?

How many stars in the Milky Way?

How many galaxies in the observable universe?

What percentage of the earths surface is water?